As the temperature rises and the sun shines bright, the idea of attending a hot yoga class may seem counterintuitive. However, practicing hot yoga during the summer months can offer a multitude of benefits for both body and mind. In this blog post, we'll explore why it's beneficial to keep up with your hot yoga practice (and maybe even start it) during the summer months, and how to get the most out of your practice in summer, so that you come out feeling re-energised and rejuvenated! Hot Yoga on a hot day? Yes Please! (The Science behind the Sweat)Have you noticed that when its hot, you often feel tired and listless, this is because your body is expending more energy to keep you cool. You would never guess it, but a hot yoga class can help! A paper published in the Journal of Applied Physiology found that exercising in the heat can boost aerobic capacity by 8% after 10 days of heat training. As the body and mind acclimatise to the heat, you improve your physical and mental endurance. Heat acclimation improves the body’s ability to control body temperature, improves sweating and increases blood flow through the skin, and expands blood volume allowing the heart to pump more blood to muscles, organs and the skin as needed. Adapting to the ‘added’ heat in Summer.Newbies at this time of year, tend to fall off, as most people think its not the ‘right time’ to start (and that’s a whole other blog topic). Our bodies can actually adapt to hotter environments very quickly, making exercise in sweaty temperatures feel far less demanding. Regular exposure to hot environments can improve sweat efficiency and increase skin blood flow, making it easier to regulate our temperatures. And, it doesn't take too long for these changes to kick in either. A reviewed published in Sports Medicine showed that people training in hotter environments for just 14 days could experience improved physiological adaptations. With this in mind, if you are already regularly using heat-based training techniques (aka Hot Yoga) adapting to the ‘added’ heat in Summer will no doubt be easier, you’ll likely notice an increased tolerance to heat and improved performance in other physical activities as well, both indoors and outdoors. Detoxification and Cleansing.Sweating is one of the body's natural mechanisms for detoxification and hot yoga provides an opportunity to sweat profusely, helping to rid the body of toxins and impurities. During the summer months, when we tend to sweat more due to the heat, practicing hot yoga can enhance this natural detoxification process, leaving you feeling cleansed, refreshed, and rejuvenated. Plus, the increased circulation and lymphatic drainage that occur during hot yoga can support the body's natural detoxification pathways, promoting overall health and vitality. Mindfulness and Presence.It’s approximately 5 weeks until Christmas so it goes without saying that the level of stress & anxiety is starting to rise - as the slippery slope to the end of the year approaches and we begin to be bombarded with Christmas messaging!. Finishing up the year and meeting all the deadlines, while factoring in all the end of year ‘stuff’ can start to take its toll leaving you feeling stressed and anxious. Instead of prioritising our practice, this is the first thing to fall away, when in fact we need to deepen our mindfulness and presence at this time of the year. As you move through challenging poses in the heat, you're forced to stay focused, present, and aware of your breath and body sensations. This heightened sense of mindfulness can extend beyond the mat, helping you stay grounded and centered amidst the distractions and busyness of summer life. Plus, don’t forget the sweet post-workout release of endorphins, aka the body’s natural mood elevators. So in conclusion, if you are starting to avoid the hot room as the temperature rises, think again! Don't let all the hard work and progress you have gained during Winter fall away, keep up a consistent practice during Summer and reap the rewards. And, new friends, don't let the heat put you off from giving hot yoga a try, you might be pleasantly surprised at how good you feel! Much love, Anj x How to get the most out of a hot yoga class in Summer:
1 Comment
Practicing hot yoga in summer, as highlighted in the article, seems like an excellent way to enhance flexibility and build resilience, but how does the practice specifically impact hydration levels and energy management during hotter months? Regards <a href="">Telkom University Jakarta</a>
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